19th April 2018:Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik unveiled the brand identity logo of ‘Skilled-in-Odisha’ campaign of the State Government skill initiatives at State Secretariat here on Thursday. Expressing happiness to see large participation by the youths of the State in the forthcoming State Skill competition, Odisha Skills-2018 to be organised at Bhubaneswar and Cuttack from April 28 to 30, the Chief Minister said such events will lead to more opportunities for the youth at the global level and will make skill aspirational for them.
The Chief Minister said, “Our Mission – Skilled in Odisha, will be known as a global standard of excellence in skill-training.” Congratulating the Skill Development and Technical Education Department and Odisha Skill Development Authority (OSDA) for bringing up brand identity for the mission, the CM said it is youthful, vibrant and global. He also congratulated the ITI students for their active participation for development of the logo.
On the occasion, Naveen also released the ‘Bhubaneswar-Skill City’ map and appreciated the noble concept to attract global attention towards the quality of skilled manpower available in the State and generate employment, so that it becomes a paradigm of the new pathways and interconnections that form a central part of the Government’s vision of making brand Skilled-in-Odisha, global.
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